Delphine Comar - consulting and assistance in research & development of international marine manning services

© Wagenborg Shipping
Our experienced recruiting staff verifies employment backgrounds by contacting applicants previous employers to verbally verify employment, performance, job duties and eligibility for re-hire.
Mainly our crew selection is based on the following criteria:

- Valid documents and certificates, according to the candidate position and in accordance with new STCW regulations and amended.
- Experience
- Medical Certificate - made by a Medical Clinic which has the authority to issue medical certificate for seafarers; before assigning to work, all our candidates are compulsory tested in compliance with medical requirements with drugs and alcohol.
- References from previous employers - which are always checked by our agents.
- Testing their professional skills- SOLAS/ MARPOL. Knowledge of English Language - tests made accordance with MARLINS English Language Tests.
- Personal Profile- evaluation of human qualities.